September 19, 2009

Sawyer is a Cheese Head

After a long night we made it to Madison safe and sound. Sawyer is officially a cheese head! Tonight we're going to a Tex Mex place. Seems kind of strange to find a Tex Mex place in Madison, but we wouldn't turn down queso.

Our home was broken into on Friday and our cameras were stolen. So our photos won't be so great right now. We are planning to replace Chris's new camera as soon as possible and have already spotted a Best Buy!

September 12, 2009

5.5 Months Update

It's football season!

Sawyer is liking solids more and more! We can call this picture "gimme that."


Ugly doll:

Not napping:

Sawyer and Luca:

Sawyer and Nora:

Sawyer and dad:

September 1, 2009

Eat Real Festival

A few pics from our Saturday down on the waterfront in Oakland. 
We sampled some really good local food and microbrews.  
Sawyer had a good time laying in the grass.