December 22, 2009

Month 8

The past few weeks have been so fun! Sawyer has really started exploring the world around him. He is into everything!

He had his first Thanksgiving and promptly spit up pumpkin. He is really crawling now and pulling up onto things. He continues to be very easy going and is easy to take places. We took him up to Napa this month too. He mostly slept.

Hope you enjoy the pics!

December 5, 2009

The army crawl

Sawyer suddenly started doing this funny, arms-only crawl and immediately became much more of a handful. His main mission seems to be sticking his hands in Gidget's water bowl.

November 13, 2009

Have a great weekend, from Sawyer!

Hope your weekend is as much fun as Sawyer had while recording these videos!

I gave Sawyer a cooking pan to bang on while I was cooking dinner. He loved it! He might be a drummer one day! The noise in the background is an NPR special I was listening to while cooking.

In this second video Sawyer is "bugging out." He does two really cute/funny things when he is excited. He flaps his arms like he is about to fly and he bounces up and down. He's doing a little bit of both in this video as Chris eggs him on to "bug out."

November 12, 2009


Experimenting with the polaroid app on an iPhone.


Sawyer's been begging us to put him in the swing we always walk by. He also wanted to take Gidget for a walk. Although it was more of a sit than a walk.

November 7, 2009

Happy Saturday!

We finally ordered a new video camera. So after a brief hiatus here is a new Sawyer video! Enjoy!

November 1, 2009

7 months

This was a good month for Sawyer. A tooth finally came in. He figured out how to crawl (although in the opposite direction of where he wants to go). And he had his first Halloween. He went as a skeleton. Then we he got his skeleton outfit dirty, he went as a pumpkin.

(if you click on this picture to enlarge it you can see his tooth. Unfortunately he only shows it when he's crying!)

October 18, 2009

Sawyer's 6 month check up

We had Sawyer's 6 month check up this weekend. He is 26" long and 16.75 lbs. This puts him a little over the 25th percentile in weight and the 50th percentile in height. Chris asked the doctor how tall he would be as an adult at this rate... she laughed at this question because it's such an estimate but she said 5'10".

Here are a few more pics from the past few weeks:

Sawyer's first pancakes

Sawyer "in action"

Here are some pictures of Sawyer "in action." We'll replace our video camera soon. Until then we have these photo series.

October 5, 2009

Sawyer visits the midwest

Some pics from our midwest road trip. We started in Madison, WI. Then we spent a few days in Chicago. We rented a house for a couple of days on Lake Michigan. And we popped into Ann Arbor for a day before heading outside of Detroit for Royal and Sarah's wedding. We ate some really good food, drank some really good microbrews and saw good friends. Afterward, Em took Sawyer down to Texas for a few days.