November 13, 2009

Have a great weekend, from Sawyer!

Hope your weekend is as much fun as Sawyer had while recording these videos!

I gave Sawyer a cooking pan to bang on while I was cooking dinner. He loved it! He might be a drummer one day! The noise in the background is an NPR special I was listening to while cooking.

In this second video Sawyer is "bugging out." He does two really cute/funny things when he is excited. He flaps his arms like he is about to fly and he bounces up and down. He's doing a little bit of both in this video as Chris eggs him on to "bug out."

November 12, 2009


Experimenting with the polaroid app on an iPhone.


Sawyer's been begging us to put him in the swing we always walk by. He also wanted to take Gidget for a walk. Although it was more of a sit than a walk.

November 7, 2009

Happy Saturday!

We finally ordered a new video camera. So after a brief hiatus here is a new Sawyer video! Enjoy!

November 1, 2009

7 months

This was a good month for Sawyer. A tooth finally came in. He figured out how to crawl (although in the opposite direction of where he wants to go). And he had his first Halloween. He went as a skeleton. Then we he got his skeleton outfit dirty, he went as a pumpkin.

(if you click on this picture to enlarge it you can see his tooth. Unfortunately he only shows it when he's crying!)