May 31, 2009

Week 9

This week Sawyer is 9 weeks old. At his 2 month doctor's appointment we learned that Sawyer weighs 10.8lbs and is 22" long. This puts him right below the 25th percentile in both areas. He's a little guy! This probably isn't surprising to anyone given his parents. He also had his first round of vaccines. He screamed and cried so hard! They also gave him a little bit of a fever and made him pretty fussy for the next 24 hours. Luckily, Aunt Kelly came over to distract him when he wasn't feeling so hot.

Sawyer and mom started going to Baby Bootcamp so that mom can work out and Sawyer can explore the Berkeley Marina while meeting other babies. We're liking it so much we invested in the infant attachment for our jogging stroller. Gidget likes this too as this means she gets more walks.

Finally, in less fun news (meaning less fun for mom and dad) Sawyer has learned how to grab on to his Binky and take it out of his mouth. He's working on getting it back in but he's not quite there. This means that he rips it out and cries until we put it back in. On a related note he seems to need his Binky less and less because he found out that playing with his tongue is really fun. That's all for this week!

May 27, 2009

2 Month Video

As you can tell from this video Sawyer has started "talking." We love how expressive his eyebrows are.

May 23, 2009

Week 8

This was another eventful week for Sawyer as he tries to figure out this nutty world. There were a lot of firsts. He had his first experience staying at a hotel, in Tiburon for Aunt Kelly & Uncle Jonathan's wedding. He had his first babysitter there as well - so that his mom and dad could get reacquainted with the dance floor. He slept through the night for the first time. 7 hours straight. He seemed to enjoy it as much as we did. He also started holding his head up during tummy time and had his first BART ride into the city to visit Chris at work. The vibration of the train seemed to confuse him, and then the confusion made him sleepy. So he slept most of the time.
Next week he'll be two months old. Big boy stuff.

May 14, 2009

Week 7

This week was big time. For the first time, Sawyer slept for 5 straight hours. Unfortunately, he didn't make a habit out of it. The next day, he started another growth spurt and wanted to eat all day and all night. 

He also discovered a magical new world in the form of an activity gym. The first time we put him down on it, he accidentally hit a rattle that was hanging over him. He liked the sound it made, so he spent the next hour or so trying to hit it again. He was able to do it several times. It was pretty incredible to witness him learning something new.  

Another huge development came during tummy time. He rolled all the way over onto his back, all by himself. It took him a while, and he worked really hard on it. We were so tempted to help him out. But we didn't have to. He's a determined little guy. 

May 7, 2009

Week 6 Video

Week 6

This has been a really great week for Sawyer. He continues to smile more and more. He wakes up with a huge smile now. He seems to be a really happy baby. We will follow up to this post with a smiling video that's really special.

Grandma and Grandpa Cannon visited this week. Emily met a few new moms in our neighborhood and started attending a New Mom's Support Group in Oakland. Chris went back to work on Wednesday. Sawyer missed him so much he went to visit him today. He also stopped by Em's work and Aunt Kelly's work. He loved all of the attention!

Some pictures from Week 6 are below.